The Reality of Bid’ah

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The literal meaning of Bid’ah (innovation) is a new thing. According to Shari’ah, Bid’ah refers to those beliefs or practices which were not prevalent in the visible lifetime of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and were produced afterwards. According to Shari’ah, Bid’ah is of two types, Bid’at-e-I’tiqaadi and Bid’at-e-Amali. [Jaa’al Haqqu Wazahaqal Baathil]

Bid’at-e-I’tiqaadi (Innovation in Belief) are those false beliefs that were produced in Islam after Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Such beliefs are those of the Deobandis, Wahaabis, Jabariyas, Ghair-Muqallids etc. because they were made afterwards and these people consider them to be Islamic beliefs. An example of this is the Deobandis belief that Allah Ta’ala has the power to speak lies and that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is ignorant of Knowledge of the Unseen. These impure beliefs have been innovated from the 12th century A.H. Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has stated, “The person who invents in our Deen a belief that is contrary to it is rejected (Mardood). [Mishkaat]

Bid’at-e-Amali (Innovation in Action) is every action and doing that came into practice after the blessed period of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) irrespective of whether it is religious or worldly, during or after the time of the Sahaabah. However, if the innovation was brought into practice in the age of the Blessed Sahaabah then we do not call it Bid’ah but Sunnat-e-Sahaabah as it is respectful to call it so.

Bid’at-e-Amali is classified into two categories, Bid’at-e-Hasana (Good Innovation) and Bid’at-e-Sayyia (Bad Innovation). Bid’at-e-Hasana is that action which does not go against the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah e.g. gatherings of Meelad, Madrassahs, printing the Holy Qur’an and religious books etc. Bid’at-e-Hasana is not only permissable (Ja’iz) but at times it can be preferable (Mustahab) and even necessary (Wajib) as we will see later on. Bidat-e-Sayyia is that action which is contrary to the Sunnah or ruins it e.g. reading the Khutba or Jumuah or Eid in a language other than Arabic, as the Sunnah is to read it in Arabic. Bid’at-e-Sayyia can be Makrooh-e-Tanzihi, Makrooh-e-Tahrimi or Haraam.

Any Bid’ah which is in accordance with the principles of Islamic Law and the Sunnah and has been deduced analogically from the Qur’an or Sunnah (through Qiyas) is Bid’at-e-Hasana and that which is in contrast to the above definition is Bid’at-e-Sayyia.

It is stated in the Hadith that, “He who initiates a good practice in Islam, receives its reward, as well as the reward of those who act upon it subsequently, without any deduction from their reward. And he who initiates a bad practice in Islam accumulates its sin and the sin of those who act upon it subsequently, without any deduction from their burdens.” [Mishkaat]

Let us look at the various categories of Bid’ah in Shari’ah:

Waajib: a new action which has not been prohibited in the Shari’ah but to omit it will lead to critical impairment in the religion. For example, to put the expressions (I’raab) in the Holy Qur’an such as Fatha (Zabar), Kasra (Zer) and Dhumma (Pesh), to construct Madrassas for teaching the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith and to learn and teach the knowledge of nahw (Arabic syntax).

Haraam: An innovation that leads to the annihilation of a Waajib. For example, the introductions of beliefs which are in contradiction with the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, such as Qadriyya sect who believe that man has got all the power to do whatever he wishes, and Jabriyya sect who believe that man has got no power at all and all actions are done under compulsion; whereas the correct belief of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaa’ah is that man has been given option in some things and is under compulsion in some. So to believe as the Qadriyya or the Jabriyya sects will lead to the annihilation of a Waajib which is Haraam. Similarly the innovated beliefs of other misled sects such as the Shias, Qadianis, Wahaabis, Deobandis etc. are also Haraam Bid’ahs.

Mustahab: a new action which is not prohibited by the Shari’ah and which is done with an anticipation for earning reward. For example to hold gatherings of Milad-un-Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), to construct religious institutions, Madrassahs, quarters for travellers, to make congregation in the Taraweeh prayers and every good thing which was not there in the first era of the Islamic century. One who completes such actions will gain reward for it, and if one does not do it, he will not be reprimanded for omitting it.

Makrooh: A new action through which a Sunnah is eradicated. If a Sunnat-e-Ghair Mu’akkidah is eradicated then it is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi and if a Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah is eradicated then it is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi. For example, to pray the Eid or Jumuah Khutba in a language other than Arabic is Bid’at-e-Makrooh-e-Tahreemi.

Ja’iz: every new action which is not prohibited by the Shari’ah and which is done without expecting any reward or punishment for it. For example, to shake hands after the (Fajr) prayers, partaking in a variety of delicious dishes or wearing nice and attractive clothing. [Mirqaat]

It is now clearly understood that not every Bid’ah is Haraam. Let’s take an example of the complication which the Muslims will face if one Bid’ah was to be omitted. Supposing the expressions of the Holy Qur’an were to be erased, then millions of Muslims who are not familiar with the Arabic syntax (Nahw – the learning of which is also a Waajib Bid’ah) will not be able to read the Holy Qur’an correctly and will be sinful for reading it incorrectly.

We will now see that no worship in Islam is void of Bid’at-e-Hasana (Good Bid’ah).

Imaan: Every Muslim child is taught Imaan-e-Mujmal and Imaan-e-Mufassal. These categorizations of Imaan as well as both of their names are Bid’ah. They were not prevalent in the time of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) nor the two generations after him i.e. the Blessed Sahaabah and the Tabe’een (These three generations are collectively known as Quroon-e-Thalaatha).

Kalimah:: Every Muslim memorises six Kalimahs. These six Kalimahs, along with their number and sequence (i.e. first Kalimah, second Kalimah etc.) are all Innovations which were not prevalent at the time of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) or the Sahaabahh.

Qur’an:: To divide the Holy Qur’an into thirty chapters, appointing Rukus, to put the I’raab (expressions such as Zabbar, Zer, Pesh) and printing it by press are all Bid’ah.

Hadith: To collect the Hadith in book form, relating their chains of narration, criticising the integrity of the narrations, categorizing them to be Sahih, Hassan, Da’if etc., in short the entire science of Hadith is a Bid’ah. The era of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the two generations after him did not mention such things.

Usool-e-Hadith (Principles of Hadith):: This science is completely Innovated. Even its name is a Bid’ah, and so are all of its rules and guidelines.

Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence): Islam today is based on this knowledge because it contains the rules and commands for everything we may come across in our lives, but this field of knowledge is Bid’ah from beginning to end.

Usool-e-Fiqh and Usool-e-Kalaam (Principles of Scholastic Theology): These two sciences, along with their principles and guidelines are all Bid’ah.

Salaah: To say the intention of Salaah verbally is an Innovation which is unfound from the Quroon-e-Thalaatha. Also, to pray the 20 Rakaats of Taraweeh in congregation during Ramadaan is also Bid’ah.

Fasting: At the time of Iftaar and Sehri respectively to say the Dua “Allahumma Laka Sumtu…” and “Allahumma Asoomu…” is also a Bid’ah.

Zakaat: To give Zakaat with the currency that is currently used such as coins and paper notes is an Innovation. Coins and notes with pictures and designs were not available in the time of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) or the two generations after him and neither were acts of worship such as Zakaat fulfilled with such currency. Furthermore, to deduce Fitrah of grains in the form of the present currency is also a Bid’ah.

Hajj: To perform Hajj by travelling in aeroplanes, ships, cars, buses and to go to the field of Arafaat by cars or taxis are all Innovations because such forms of transport had not been used in previous times and Hajj was not completed with their usage.

Worldly Affairs :Today, there are many things that have been invented but were non-existent in the Khairul Quroon (Best Period of Time). However worldly life without such things as cars, aeroplanes, ships, phones, computers, electricity etc. would be difficult. Every person uses them and yet all of them and their usage are Innovations.

O wretched Deobandis and Wahaabis who pass Fatwas of Meelad, Fatiha etc. being Bid’ah and Haraam! Do you lead your life without any of the above-mentioned Innovations?! Definitely not!

The following incident will further reveal the hypocrisy of the Deobandis and Wahaabis:

Once, a so called Maulwi went to perform a person’s Nikah. When he reached the place, he saw that the bridegroom was wearing a garland (sehra) and immediately he said, “Sehra is Bid’ah, Shirk and Haraam! Neither did the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) use it, nor any of the Sahaabah, Taba’een or Tabe-Taba’een. Where is it written that a sehra should be worn at such an occasion?” After hearing this, the people removed it from him.

After the Nikah the father of the bridegroom took out a R100 note and gave it to the Maulwi. He took it, but while stashing it in his pocket, the bridegroom grabbed his hand and asked, “Maulwi Sahib! Taking money after performing Nikah is Bid’ah, Shirk and Haraam. Neither did the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) take such money, nor any of the Sahaabah, Taba’een or Tabe-Taba’een. Where is it written that fees for Nikah should be given?” The Maulwi replied, “This money is for a happy occasion,” to which the bridegroom replied, “The garland was also for a happy occasion!” [Jaa’al Haqqu Wazahaqal Baathil]

May Allah Ta’ala protect us from the hypocrisy, fitna and web of deceit of the Wahaabis and Deobandis who try to remove the love of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from innocent people’s hearts, Ameen.

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